The Elephant Times, consisting of Elephant Films and The Elephant Press, is the educational arm of The Elephant Project. Through this platform, we will work to educate the world on the plight of elephants, the people who care for and protect them, and new ideas and new solutions being developed to bring an end to the killing and cruelty these animals face.
Missives, random thoughts, and in-depth analysis of the current events in the lives of elephants and those that work to save them.
Films and Other Media
Films and other interesting visual tools that help you witness the daily life of an elephant and those that live and work among them.
THE LINESMAN - From Elephant Films
The Linesman is a 30-minute documentary by Elephant Films that explores the root causes of human-elephant conflict. The documentary highlights the efforts of conservationist U Khin Maung Gyi to restore peace and balance between these two vital communities.