Newspaper Interview

The Linesman

The Linesman

"But to solve a problem you must first understand it from all sides, which is why we decided to make this film – to help people understand the root causes behind the conflict," Dane Waters, founder and president of The Elephant Project explained to The Myanmar Times.

When they first started working in Myanmar over three years ago, their initial focus was to help elephants transition out of the country’s timber industry to live in more sustainable sanctuaries."But early in our efforts we discovered the magnitude of the human-elephant conflict, and felt that it needed to be addressed," he said.

Documentary ‘When Lambs Become Lions’ Sheds Light On Elephant Poaching

Documentary ‘When Lambs Become Lions’ Sheds Light On Elephant Poaching

A great article about a movie that explores the multidimensional aspects of the war against ivory poachers. It highlights one of the key ingredients to ending the senseless and horrific killing of elephants - finding ways to take away the incentive of those who are doing the killing. We encourage all of you to watch it.

Out of the woods

Out of the woods

“Though the Myanmar government is trying hard to find a home for the thousands of unemployed timber elephants, we believe that these camps are not the answer,” Waters told Southeast Asia Globe. “The primary problem with these camps, as is the case in Thailand… is that the elephants are being used for entertainment purposes, which we do not support.”

Sanctuary plan for Myanmar elephants in captivity

Sanctuary plan for Myanmar elephants in captivity

“If nothing is done to provide financial support for these elephants, the government-owned elephants will be put back to work logging elsewhere, be cruelly trained for performance and live a life of begging, or released into the wild to fend for themselves,” says Dane Waters, The Elephant Project founder and president.

Myanmar And The Elephant Project Made History By Signing Agreement For Elephant's Care

Myanmar And The Elephant Project Made History By Signing Agreement For Elephant's Care

"We have to take action now," Dane Waters, The Elephant Project founder, and president, said, per the South China Morning Post. The worsening case of deforestation in Myanmar destroys Elephants' habitat, so they are left wandering in villages in search of food. However, their search often leads to human-elephant conflicts that put both parties in danger.  

Ivory BAN will not be enough to STOP elephant extinction in our lifetime

Ivory BAN will not be enough to STOP elephant extinction in our lifetime

Sunday Express - AN IVORY ban being pushed through Parliament this week by the Government will not be enough to stop elephants becoming extinct in our lifetime, the founder of a wildlife charity has warned. Dane Waters, who has worked for five Presidential campaigns including for the late Senator John McCain, has founded the Elephant Project which creates sanctuaries across the world for endangered animals.

Kristol, Trippi Group Pushes Back Against Trump on Big-Game Hunting Trophies

Kristol, Trippi Group Pushes Back Against Trump on Big-Game Hunting Trophies

A bipartisan coalition fighting to save elephants filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Department of Interior in a quest for transparency about the Trump administration's elephant trophy import ban policy reversal.